Articles | Volume 5, issue 1
Research article
11 Jun 2024
Research article |  | 11 Jun 2024

Evaluating the motional timescales contributing to averaged anisotropic interactions in MAS solid-state NMR

Kathrin Aebischer, Lea Marie Becker, Paul Schanda, and Matthias Ernst

Data sets

Evaluating the motional time scales contributing to averaged anisotropic interactions in MAS solid-state NMR K. Aebischer

Model code and software

Evaluating the motional time scales contributing to averaged anisotropic interactions in MAS solid-state NMR K. Aebischer

Short summary
To characterize the amplitude of dynamic processes in molecules, anisotropic parameters can be measured using solid-state NMR. However, the timescales of motion that lead to such a scaling of the anisotropic interactions are not clear. Using numerical simulations in small spin systems, we could show that mostly the magnitude of the anisotropic interaction determines the range of timescales detected by the scaled anisotropic interaction, and experimental parameters play a very minor role.