17 Jan 2025
 | 17 Jan 2025
Status: this preprint is currently under review for the journal MR.

Determining large hyperfine interactions of a model flavoprotein in the semiquinone state by pulse-EPR techniques 

Jesús Ignacio Martinez, Susana Frago, Milagos Medina, and Inés García-Rubio

Abstract. Flavoproteins are a versatile class of proteins involved in numerous biological processes, including redox reactions, electron transfer, and signal transduction, often relying on their ability to stabilize different oxidation states of their flavin cofactor. A critical feature of flavin cofactors is their capacity to achieve, within particular protein environments, a semiquinone state that plays a pivotal role in mediating single-electron transfer events and is key to understanding flavoprotein reactivity.

Hyperfine interactions between the unpaired electron in the semiquinone state and magnetic nuclei in the isoalloxazine ring provide valuable insights into the electronic structure of this intermediate and its mechanistic roles. This study investigates the hyperfine interactions of isotopically labeled flavodoxin (Fld) with 13C and 15N at specific positions of the flavin mononucleotide (FMN) ring using advanced electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) techniques. The combination of Continuous wave (CW) EPR at X-band and ELDOR-detected NMR and HYSCORE at Q-band revealed a strong and anisotropic hyperfine interaction with the nucleus 13C at 4a and yielded principal tensor values of 40, -13.5 and -9 MHz, the first of which is associated to the axis perpendicular to the flavin plane. On the other hand, as predicted, the hyperfine interaction with the 13C nucleus at position 2 was minimal. Additionally, HYSCORE experiments on 15N-FMN labeled Fld provided precisely axial hyperfine parameters, (74, 5.6, 5.6) MHz for 15N(5) and (38, 3.2, 3.2) MHz for 15N(10). These were used to refine quadrupole tensor values for 14N nuclei via isotope-dependent scaling. These results showcase the potential of combining CW-EPR, ELDOR-detected NMR, and HYSCORE with isotopic labelling to probe electronic and nuclear interactions in flavoproteins. The new data complete and refine the existing experimental map for the electronic structure of the flavin cofactor and expose systematic divergences between the calculated and experimental values of hyperfine couplings of the atoms most contributing to the SOMO. This could indicate a slight but significant shift of the unpaired electron density from position 4a towards the central nitrogens of the pyrazine ring as compared to the calculations. These results highlight the importance of integrating computational and experimental approaches to refine our understanding of flavin cofactor reactivity.

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Jesús Ignacio Martinez, Susana Frago, Milagos Medina, and Inés García-Rubio

Status: open (until 16 Feb 2025)

Comment types: AC – author | RC – referee | CC – community | EC – editor | CEC – chief editor | : Report abuse
  • RC1: 'Comment on mr-2024-24', Anonymous Referee #1, 30 Jan 2025 reply
Jesús Ignacio Martinez, Susana Frago, Milagos Medina, and Inés García-Rubio
Jesús Ignacio Martinez, Susana Frago, Milagos Medina, and Inés García-Rubio


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Short summary
Flavoproteins are essential biomolecules involved in many vital processes. Understanding their reactivity requires studying their intermediate semiquinone form. Using advanced spectroscopy and isotopic labeling, we measured key interactions within this state, uncovering subtle changes in the distribution of electron density. These findings refine our understanding of flavoprotein function and highlight the value of combining experiments and computations for studying complex biological systems.