Articles | Volume 2, issue 1
Research article
06 May 2021
Research article |  | 06 May 2021

An electrochemical cell for in operando 13C nuclear magnetic resonance investigations of carbon dioxide/carbonate processes in aqueous solution

Sven Jovanovic, P. Philipp M. Schleker, Matthias Streun, Steffen Merz, Peter Jakes, Michael Schatz, Rüdiger-A. Eichel, and Josef Granwehr

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Short summary

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Field: Liquid-state NMR | Topic: Instrumentation
Workflow for systematic design of electrochemical in operando NMR cells by matching B0 and B1 field simulations with experiments
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Cited articles

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Short summary
This work presents a setup for the investigation of electrochemical processes during operation (in operando) using nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy. The setup was designed to minimize the interferences between the NMR instrument and the electrochemical equipment. Employing this setup, the dynamic equilibrium of carbon dioxide in aqueous bicarbonate electrolyte has been monitored in operando, revealing intercations with the electrode setup.