Articles | Volume 2, issue 1
Research article
04 Jun 2021
Research article |  | 04 Jun 2021

A novel sample handling system for dissolution dynamic nuclear polarization experiments

Thomas Kress, Kateryna Che, Ludovica M. Epasto, Fanny Kozak, Mattia Negroni, Gregory L. Olsen, Albina Selimovic, and Dennis Kurzbach


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Short summary
We present a system for facilitated sample vitrification, melting, and transfer in dissolution dynamic nuclear polarization experiments. The system enables insertion of a sample through an airlock in combination with a dedicated dissolution system that is inserted through the same airlock shortly before the melting event. The cryostat can thus be operated continuously at low temperatures, and the melting process is rapid as no pressurization steps of the cryostat are necessary for dissolution.