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the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License.
Imatinib disassembles the regulatory core of Abelson kinase by binding to its ATP site and not by binding to its myristoyl pocket
Stephan Grzesiek
Johannes Paladini
Judith Habazettl
Rajesh Sonti
- Final revised paper (published on 20 May 2022)
- Supplement to the final revised paper
- Preprint (discussion started on 28 Mar 2022)
Interactive discussion
Status: closed
RC1: 'Comment on mr-2022-6', Anonymous Referee #1, 29 Mar 2022
The present article argues that the Abl ligand imatinib binds to the ATP, not allosteric, site and that this leads to disassembly of the regulatory core of Abl. The authors show NMR titration data that indicate tight binding of the ligand at a protein concentration of 79 μM. The data are presented in response to a paragraph in a recent article by Xie et al. (2022), who report not having found any evidence of a shift in conformational equilibrium when imatinib binds to the catalytic pocket. There appears to be a clear discrepancy in the interpretation of data regarding the Abl-imatinib complex, which the authors of the present article attribute to different protein constructs used. Imatinib is an approved anti-cancer drug (Gleevec), i.e. the questions raised are important.
The binding curves of Figure 1B are characteristic of slow exchange on the chemical shift time scale, indicative of a dissociation constant at least 100-fold smaller than the protein concentration (reported to be 79 μM). Still, a more detailed argument would help convince the reader that an exchange rate < 200 s-1 is expected for nanomolar affinities and not compatible with micromolar affinities (line 176).
Arguably, the spectral data shown in the present article do not, by themselves, identify the site of binding, as ligand binding can cause changes in chemical shifts all over the place, if the target protein is an allosterically active, flexible protein. Can the argument for binding to the ATP site be strengthened? Previous research seems to have clearly identified the catalytic site as the site of tight binding and, to my understanding, the publication by Xie et al. (2022) does not claim anything else.
Granted that binding is in the ATP site, it is still difficult to follow the authors’ conclusion that ‘the imatinib-induced opening of Abl’s regulatory core is caused by imatinib binding to the ATP site’. What exactly is the evidence of opening of the structure? This deserves better explanation.
Section 3.3 reads like a referee report, which would be unusual in a regular article. I am certain that the technical queries can easily be answered by the authors of the article by Xie et al. (2022). In this case, I suggest to remove the entire section prior to publication of the article in Magn. Reson. If the queries remain unanswered, the section should still be condensed to a few sentences to simply and concisely state the open questions.
One may wonder why the communication between the authors of the articles is so difficult?
In general, it is a regrettable trend that many high-profile articles present some of the data with incomplete descriptions, which prevents others from reproducing the results with reasonable effort. Referees and authors should do better.
In this vein, the authors of the present article could be encouraged to show the complete TROSY spectra as supporting information, for the benefit of readers who do not wish to access the data deposited in Zenodo but are still interested to get an impression of their quality, as the construct used was very big (452 residues) and the protein, which was apparently only labelled with 15N, relatively low in concentration (79 μM).
Minor suggestions:
Line 14: remove ‘some’
Line 15: should it be ‘Although’ instead of ‘Albeit’?
Lines 11 and 19: conventional style would be to abbreviate journal names to Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. and J. Am. Chem. Soc. and omit issue numbers.
Line 35: P1 for the article by Xie et al. is an unfortunate abbreviation, as P1 is later used to refer to a protein state (Fig. 1D). The different articles may be better referred to as A1, A2 etc.
Line 37: what is 1b numbering - a reference might help.
Line 54: why ‘now’, if no new information has been provided by the authors of P1 since publication of the P1 article?
Line 58: The way the sentence starting with ‘However’ reads, it sounds as if the reference to a past article is sold as an experimental result. It may be less confusing for the reader to start with ‘We regret that the authors of P1 …’
Fig. 1: use uniform font sizes for the figure titles, axis labels and residue numberings in the structure.
Line 80: no deuteration?
Thoughout the text, legibility would improve if variables like KDA were written in italics style (as in Fig. 1D).
Line 116: it appears to me that the argumentation regarding binding to the allosteric site at concentrations above 100 μM is correct. Would it be correct to say ‘While high concentrations can lead to binding of imatinib to the allosteric site, in the following we discuss and provide evidence that binding of imatinib to the catalytic site is sufficient to disassemble the regulatory core.’
Line 119: instead of starting a sentence with ‘However’, it often is better style to start with ‘In contrast’.
Line 131: explain ‘DFG out’
Line 158: ‘when’ instead of ‘since’ would be clearer.
Line 160: ‘reported’ instead of ‘have observed’
Line 162: ‘broadened beyond detection’ instead of ‘bleached out’
Line 174: for all these residues
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RC2: 'Comment on mr-2022-6', Anonymous Referee #1, 03 Apr 2022
A recent PNAS article has come to the attention of this reviewer that may deserve consideration by the authors. The article reports the results of nanoBRET experiments in HEK293T cells to measure the dissociation of imatinib from wild-type Abl fused with NanoLuc luciferase in vivo. The half-life time of the complex was determined to be about 20 min. (Lyczek et al., 2021), in agreement with the slow exchange regime indicated by the NMR experiments of the present article. Interestingly, some of the imatinib resistance mutants showed practically unchanged IC50 values, but their dissociation rates were increased, suggesting that the more rapid decrease of inhibition can lead to lesser efficacy in patients despite nominally unchanged dosage.
Lyczek, A., Berger, B.-T., Rangwala, A. M., Paung, Y., Tom, J., Philipose, H., Guo, J., Albanese, S. K., Robers, M. B., Knapp, S., Chodera, J. D., and Seeliger, M., Mutation in Abl kinase with altered drug-binding kinetics indicates a novel mechanism of imatinib resistance, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci., 118, e2111451118,, 2021.
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RC3: 'Comment on mr-2022-6', Paul Schanda, 04 Apr 2022
In this manuscript, Grzesiek and co-workers describe new experimental data and use previously published data to critically evaluate a manuscript by the Kalodimos group in JMB. Correcting flawed data in the literature is extremely important for the scientific community and an integral part of our work, and, hence, this manuscript deserves much attention (as well as a critical reading).
It is a pity that the JMB editor(s) have decided not to consider the manuscript on their own pages, but it is also my experience that journals are hesitant to publish critical views of manuscripts earlier reported on their pages.
The matter of debate here is whether imatinib, a small molecule that acts as an ATP-site inhibitor of the Abl kinase, binds to the myristoyl binding site, in addition to the ATP binding site. There are two conflicting models: the Grzesiek group has claimed that binding to the ATP site (nM affinity) leads to opening of the regulatory core. In contrast, the Kalodimos group has proposed that the binding may occur at an allosteric site instead of the orthosteric site, and that this binding may lead to disassembly of the core and thus activation.
These two models (nM-affinity binding to the ATP-site or microM-affinity binding to an allosteric site) shall have very different consequences for NMR titrations. And the authors of the present manuscript go and do exactly this experiment: a titration experiment. The data, shown in Figure 1 A, B, are extremely convincing to me, and they show that binding occurs at the orthosteric site, rather than the allosteric site.
In itself, this experiment clarifies the debate: binding is in agreement with nM affinity binding, but not with uM allosteric binding. This new data is, thus, important to the field.
However, the data do not directly show that the binding occurs at the ATP site. The groups seem to agree that nM binding is necessarily at the ATP site. But could there be any direct NMR evidence for this? I wonder if the NMR chemical shifts during the titration provides hints to the binding site. Has this been done in the previous papers? This should be clarified.
I also agree with the additional problematic points that the authors listed (lines 190 – 225; see some more specific comments below). It would be nice if these points could be clarified with Kalodimos’ group before the present manuscript gets out.
My conclusion is, thus, that this manuscript should be published. The ideal place would be JMB, and Kalodimos and co-workers may want to have a chance to reply to the criticism (although the case seems really clear to me). But if JMB editors feel like they are not ethically bound to clarifying/correcting what is on their pages, then Magn. Reson. is a possible place.
The question is whether the current manuscript can be made more easy to understand and read. It would be tremendously helpful if the structure was displayed and the important structural features labeled somewhere. For example, the “A-loop”, and “pushing forces” onto that loop, as well as the helix alpha-I are described in the text; likewise, the authors write about the “DFG out” state. But without seeing where these things are located, it is difficult. It would already help to label Figure 1C accordingly, and a scheme like the one of Figure 1A and 4A of reference P1 (the Kalodimos paper); some scheme to show the binding sites and the changes (disassembly, loops being pushed, helix alpha-I kinked etc).
And then the critical question is which observations have lead Kalodimos’ group into conclusions which the present data show as incorrect. Now the authors provide some bits of information why the Kalodimos group may have gotten it wrong (e.g. ITC not done on the relevant constructs).
I would find it very helpful if the text was structured as follows:
- Show and discuss the structures/sketch/models that highlight the divergent views of the two groups
- Highlight what the two models imply, e.g. for a titration experiment
- Discuss the new titration experiment
- Discuss the possibly reasons why the Kalodimos group may have come to wrong conclusions (ITC, short constructs,….)
- Discuss the further problematic points, which in my opinion are all good
- “Reply” to the criticism that Kalodimos raised against Grzesiek’s work (which is now the first part of 3.1.)
Personally, it would find this much nicer to read and understand. Currently, one needs to read the JMB paper, and possibly read the present manuscript more than once to get the point.
Another important point is that the authors make the new data totally open – something that lacks in Kalodimos’ paper. It is nice to see that the titration spectra are all deposited on zenodo. It would be nice to have them additionally also as figures. I would like to see the full spectra, and/or multiple zooms, rather than only four examples.
Below are further points that are comments or suggestions for improvements.
Point 3. on lines 209-211 is valid: the concentrations are an important information. In addition, having looked at the original paper P1, and the Supp Info of the P1 paper by Kalodimos, I could not really identify that peak in the full spectrum, and I would have liked seeing the full spectra of all the states of Figure 4B of P1. It is a poor practice to show only a zoom onto one peak; it does not allow getting a comprehensive picture. The authors may want to make this point.
The same is true for the point 4, which refers to Figure 5. Again, the authors of P1 have decided not to show the full spectra, which is really a pity. It is also noteworthy that the identity of the spectrum shown in orange color in Figure 5 of P1 is not specified.
Line 165: “It also needs to be indicated that the obtained KD solution structures (Xie et al., 2020), on which the argument is based, are of low definition having at most 3 NOE and 2 dihedral (the origin of which is not documented) constraints per residue. Hence, a well-defined A-loop conformation cannot be postulated without additional evidence.» This is indeed an important and compelling argument by the authors. It would be useful to state here explicitly where they have obtained the information about the number of constraints. I assume they retrieved the constraints in the BMRB/PDB.
On lines 171-173, the titration data are described, and four residues for which a new peak appears are named. I would find it useful to state explicitly which residues, in addition to the named ones, show a second peak. Moreover, please show the full spectra in the Supplementary Information.
On lines 197-200, it is stated that «often» the description in P1 is insufficient. I would recommend to be as specific as possible, because a direct criticisms calls for being very specific. I propose that the authors explicitly name occurrences where information is lacking.
Methods: The protein concentration, specified as “79 uM” appears to be very precise, but I wonder if this precision is real. “Ca. 80 uM” (with some error estimate?) is most likely more realistic.
Figure 6 of P1 contains an interesting y-label in a plot, “Lorem ipsum”. Not a sign of very careful work; but probably nothing that can be addressed here.
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CC1: 'Comment on mr-2022-6', Oliver Hantschel, 21 Apr 2022
The manuscript by Grzesiek and colleagues questions the validity of the main finding of Xie et al. (JMB 2022) that claims binding of imatinib to Abl’s myristoyl binding pocket and thereby promoting disassembly of the regulatory SH3-SH2-kinase domain core of Bcr-Abl. Strong data is provided by Grzesiek et al. that convince me that the model of Xie et al. cannot be correct. It is also important that Grzesiek et al. listed points on insufficient reporting of experimental details that prevent reproduction of the data by others.
In addition, I would like to make some more general points that question the biological/medical relevance of the findings of the Xie et al. paper:
Xie et al. report a Kd for imatinib binding to the myristoyl binding pocket that is 2-3-fold above the reported average trough plasma concentration for imatinib in CML patients that received the standard dose (400 mg once daily) of the drug. Hence, only a low occupancy of the myristoyl pocket at clinically achievable imatinib concentration can be expected, in particular as the intracellular concentration of imatinib will likely be lower than the plasma concentration. Therefore, this is an epiphenomenon that can be observed in vitro at very high imatinib concentration, but without physiological relevance for BCR-ABL biology and CML treatment.
Secondly, whether imatinib is able to bind the myristoyl pocket in full-length Bcr-Abl remains to be determined. It is important to point out that the initial data in Xie et al. was obtained with a construct encoding only the kinase domain, i.e. lacking the regulatory SH3 and SH2 domains, as well as lacking several hundred amino acids at the C-terminus. In addition, a further truncation of the C-terminal alpha I-helix was necessary to obtain the crystal structure with imatinib bound to the myristoyl binding pocket. Therefore, biochemical and cellular assays with full-length Abl/Bcr-Abl are necessary to rule out the possibility that imatinib binding to the myristoyl pocket is an artefact of this highly engineered Abl construct. At this point, it is also important to clarify that the possible binding of imatinib to the myristoyl pocket of ABL kinases is not novel and was already described a decade ago: Salah et al. (J Med Chem (2011) 54(7), 2359-67) showed by ITC and a co-crystal structure of the ABL2 kinase domain (which is almost identical to ABL1) that imatinib may be able to bind the myristoyl pocket. Importantly, Salah et al. also used a C-terminally truncated alpha I-helix construct of the kinase domain, but recognized possible issues and hence interpreted their data much more cautiously. They concluded: “It is clear from the ABL2: imatinib structure that in the full-length protein imatinib would not bind in the myristate binding pocket in such a way that would cause inhibition by promoting the bending of helix alpha-I’ and the docking of the SH2 and SH3 domains due to a steric clash with a bent helix alpha-I’.”
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CEC1: 'Comment on mr-2022-6', Gottfried Otting, 22 Apr 2022
Independent peer review is fundamental to the credibility of the scientific endeavour.
Nothing is perfect and sometimes it fails.
An author, keen to publish an article in a good journal, feels the need to downplay previously published results by a competitor to give their own work the novelty deemed necessary for publication.
A hurt competitor, who has not been consulted.
An editor, who refuses to publish a rebuttal by the competitor.
The handling editor of mr-2022-6 informed me that Dr Kalodimos has been alerted to the present article in good time to allow a considered response. I understand from the communicating author that Dr Kalodimos evaded key questions in e-mail exchanges and did not share data upon request.
The absence of a comment of his on the current article leaves painfully little room for interpretation.
At Magn. Reson., we believe that transparency adds value and helps to avoid bruising interactions that arise in the traditional peer review system with some regularity. Therefore, Magn. Reson. makes peer reviews, communications between authors and editors, and data underpinning results publicly available.
Regarding the present article, I suggest that the current title needs more experimental underpinning for the claim that the HSQC data presented show disassembly of the regulatory core of the Abelson kinase (as also requested by referee 1), in the spirit of Magn. Reson. being a journal for publishing primary research.Citation: -
AC1: 'Reply on CEC1', Stephan Grzesiek, 24 Apr 2022
We thank the chief editor of MR for this comment highlighting the importance of fair and transparent discussion of scientific results. It is clear that errors are inevitable in the scientific process of knowledge creation. While this is annoying, it is not fatal as science corrects itself and wrong results do not persist as they don’t pass the tests of others trying to reproduce them.
We want to comment on several statements:
1. We did not write this small note because we are hurt as competitors, but we wrote this note for two reasons:
- We continue to study the activation mechanism of Abl in several directions and will not be able to publish this work, if the erroneous claims in Xie et al. 2022 remain uncorrected.
- We feel very privileged as scientists in academia funded by tax payers’ money to pursue our curiosity and create new knowledge without having to worry about our material needs. We believe that this privilege also contains the obligation to keep the process of knowledge creation working properly. If we don’t do it, who else should do it? We understand this note as part of this effort and hope that it will help the scientific progress.
2. We always wanted a fair, transparent exchange with the Kalodimos group about our differing results and interpretations.
3. The chief editor comments that the HSQC data presented in this note do not prove that imatinib binding to Abl’s ATP site disassembles the core. It is true that the HSQC data by themselves do not prove this. However, we have given multiple evidences in previous publications on the very same Abl core construct that imatinib binding to the ATP site disassembles the Abl core. These data comprise 15N T1 and T2 relaxation data, RDC data, 1H-15N chemical shifts for 286 residues covering ~80% of the SH3 and SH2 domains and ~60% of the KD of the Abl83–534 construct, as well as completely orthogonal SAXS data. The current note shows that the ATP site binding and the disassembly follow the same strong affinity that is expected for imatinib ATP site binding. We are currently preparing a revised manuscript in response to this comment and the comments of the other referees. In the revised version, we will detail the previous findings more clearly in a significantly enlarged introduction.
AC1: 'Reply on CEC1', Stephan Grzesiek, 24 Apr 2022
CC2: 'Comment on mr-2022-6', Dorothee Kern, 24 Apr 2022
The manuscript by the Grzesiek lab critically addresses a recent publication by the Kalodimos group claiming that imatinib binding to the myristoyl pocket, and not binding to the active site, opens full-length Abl kinase.
This is a well-written manuscript with new experimental data that very clearly demonstrates and discusses the overwhelming evidence that the previously published mechanism (nanomolar imatinib binding to the active site) opens full-length Abl kinase is correct. Grzesiek et al. deliver an important contribution to the scientific community to logically discuss the experimental flaws in the paper of question by Xie et al (JMB 2022) that led to an incorrect model, so that the non-experts can follow this scientific dispute. I completely agree with the all points made in this new manuscript that was submitted to Magnetic Resonance Grzesiek et al., which reflects our original response to the manuscript by Xie et al (JMB 2022), and agrees with experimental data of our lab. Since the Grzesiek lab provided a clear argumentation for their model, and point out the scientific issues in the Kalodimos publication that led to incorrect conclusion I will not elaborate in detail here again. I will just highlight the most important issues:
Central to Kalodimos’ proposal that imatinib binding to the myristoyl pocket is causing the opening of full-length kinase (and NOT binding to the active site with nanomolar affinity!) are ITC experiments performed on the catalytic domain only. This is quite irrelevant for the question, why did the authors not perform ITC for the full-length kinase? Along the same argument, their x-ray structure that shows imatinib bound to the allosteric site could only been obtained for the kinase domain that even has the crucial alpha I helix truncated!
A major hindrance when reading the Kalodimos paper has been the lack of information, it cannot be followed which kinase constructs were used in the different experiments (as example Fig. 2 legend: “Crystal structure of Abl in complex with imatinib bound to its allosteric pocket”, this is not Abl, it is Abl kinase domain with a truncated alpha helix), or which concentrations were used in different experiments. Trying to estimate the concentrations for the ITC experiments (the single experiment that was used to determine the affinity of imatinib to the allosteric site to be 10 uM, the new finding of the manuscript): The data seem to suggest an N-value of about ~7, which means with 70uM Abl kinase domain, the Gleevec concentration used in the syringe would be ~1000uM, where it is known that imatinib precipitates above 70 uM. Therefore, the heat profiles in Supplementary Figure 5 may be a mixture of dissolving precipitated Gleevec into the cell and Gleevec binding to the allosteric site (if measurable).
In summary, it would be of great interest to the broader scientific community to publish this submitted manuscript asap. Scientific advance is rooted on clean experimental data, logic data interpretation, and importantly open scientific discussions and arguments. Publications like this one by the Grzesiek lab allows the reader to independently evaluate both opposing models of imatinib action and to draw their own conclusions, the central power of scientific publishing.
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RC4: 'Reply on CC2', Paul Schanda, 24 Apr 2022
I fully support the view expressed by Dorothee.
In the present case of the Abl kinase, the problems extend further, beyond the JMB paper. Anyone who digs into details of the associated paper in Science (10.1126/science.abc2754) may make their opinion about the quality of those NMR structures. The number of NOE restraints there is rather low, and in some biologically important parts (e.g. A loop) there are hardly any restraints. Moreover, three states were simultaneously present in that sample, exchanging with a kex of 50 s-1, which raises serious questions what one actually seens in NOESY experiments with 150 ms mixing time.
I think transparency is key to scientific progress, and in the mentioned paper(s) there is a lack of transparency. The contribution by the Grzesiek group to point out these issues is, thus, important to correcting the literature views. Of course, the best place to publish them is in JMB, where the authors of the original paper would be forced to reply (or to retract the paper altogether).
From my experience, it is often very difficult to publish data which demonstrate that published data are incorrect or incorrectly interpreted. We have made such an experience during a rather long struggle at NSMB where we and an independent group showed serious flaws in published research, including erroneous data fits, omission of data (cherry-picking their data) and omission literature data that contradicted their data ( It took us almost two years to get our correction published, despite clear-cut reviewers' assessements.
An underlying problem in scientific publishing practices is that nobody wants to see that sometimes the scientific publication process fails. Reviewers may miss important details -- simply because it takes a lot of time to dig into details and they do it for free; and editors may miss them, too. Authors presumably do their best to avoid errors or misinterpretation, but errors can happen. These failures are understandable and simply can happen. However, it is absolutely crucial that the scientific community corrects for these errors. In this sense, I find the contribution by the Grzesiek group important.
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CC3: 'Reply on CC2', Dorothee Kern, 24 Apr 2022
sorry for one typo, I ment the C-value.
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CC4: 'Reply on CC2', Dorothee Kern, 24 Apr 2022
sorry for one typo, I ment the C-value.
RC4: 'Reply on CC2', Paul Schanda, 24 Apr 2022
RC5: 'Comment on mr-2022-6', Anonymous Referee #3, 24 Apr 2022
The manuscript by Grzesiek and coworkers is a response to a recent publication by the Kalodimos lab (Xie et al JMB 2022) who concluded that imatinib, a well-established nanomolar ATP-site inhibitor of Abl kinase, can also bind to the allosteric myristoyl site, although with 10 uM affinity. Xie et al concluded that binding to the myristoyl and not the ATP site may be responsible for the imatinib-induced opening of the Abl regulatory core, which would suggest an alternative mechanisms and might rationalize the effect of imatinib on ATP-site resistance mutations.
The response by Stephan Grzesiek and coworkers, presents a number of clear and convincing argumentsm why the conclusions put forward by Xie et al are not supported by data presented and likely are linked to the use of truncated protein constructs. The manuscript presented here provides additional support for their previous work, which had shown that imabinib binding to the ATP-site indeed induces opening of the regulatory core.
There are key arguments and data presented that suggest that several aspects of the work by Xie et al are flawed, and that reconfirm the previous work by Grzesiek and Jahnke groups. Key points made are:
- Xie et al do not show key results using the full regulatory core kinase construct. Rather, evidence is based on a crystal structure that shows binding of imatinib to the allosteric site, however, using a truncated fragment of the protein, which in fact deletes parts of helix alpha1 that regulates the myristoyl site. This is suggests a crystallization artifact.
- No evidence was shown using solution techniques with the full regulatory core by Xie et al. Grzesiek et al now show NMR titrations that are fully consistent with binding of imatinib to the ATP-site and inconsistent with significant binding occupancy of the myristoyl site in solution.
- This is also consistent with mass-action analysis of binding site occupancies of imatinib with known nM Kds to the ATP-site and the 10 uM Kd reported by Xie et al, which shows that the higher affinity binding site for the ATP sites is dominant.
- Previous competition experiments using a 19F labeled reporter (Skora/Jahnke,2017) with the full regulatory core has established that imatinib does not compete with a 43 uM binding reporter to the allosteric site.
Additional arguments and data presented and missing experimental details and incorrect labeling in the paper published by Xie et al, indicate that the conclusions made by Xie et al likely are linked to the observation of a binding site in a crystal structure with a truncated kinase fragment and lack of rigor and consistency in analyzing the experimental data.
It is very unfortunate and dissappointing, that apparently neither JMB editors nor the corresponding author of the manuscript published in JMB, have responded to the arguments presented here. An editorial response and an offer to present the arguments in a public letter to JMB would be the correct way to address this situation.
In any case, the arguments presented are fully convincing and should be published as soon as possible to make the scientific community aware of the issues with the conclusions presented by Xie et al.
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EC1: 'Comment on mr-2022-6', Geoffrey Bodenhausen, 01 May 2022
Noting a comment of an anonymous reviewer who wrote that "It is very unfortunate and dissappointing, that apparently neither JMB editors nor the corresponding author of the manuscript published in JMB, have responded to the arguments presented here. An editorial response and an offer to present the arguments in a public letter to JMB would be the correct way to address this situation", I have extended the discussion period in Magnetic Resonance by one week, and invited both Dr Babis Kalodimos and Dr Peter Wright to respond. Neither have responded to my invitation.
Peer review completion