Articles | Volume 4, issue 1
Research article
11 Apr 2023
Research article |  | 11 Apr 2023

Simulation of NMR spectra at zero and ultralow fields from A to Z – a tribute to Prof. Konstantin L'vovich Ivanov

Quentin Stern and Kirill Sheberstov

Model code and software

Fourier transform, simulations of spectra, and analytical calculations Quentin Stern and Kirill Sheberstov

Short summary
This tutorial paper shows how to simulate NMR spectra at zero to ultralow fields. The process is presented in detail, including the tricks that are usually omitted from research papers and assuming as little prior knowledge from the reader as possible. In this attempt to make NMR simulation approachable, the authors wish to pay tribute to the late Prof. Konstantin L’vovich Ivanov.