Articles | Volume 5, issue 1
Research article
15 May 2024
Research article |  | 15 May 2024

Light-coupled cryogenic probes to detect low-micromolar samples and allow for an automated NMR platform

Wolf Wüster, Pit Gebbers, Alois Renn, Matthias Bütikofer, Sophie Rüdiger, Roland P. Riek, and Felix Torres

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Exploration of the close chemical space of tryptophan and tyrosine reveals importance of hydrophobicity in CW-photo-CIDNP performances
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Field: Hyperpolarization | Topic: Instrumentation
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A cryogen-free, semi-automated apparatus for bullet-dynamic nuclear polarization with improved resolution
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A novel sample handling system for dissolution dynamic nuclear polarization experiments
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Increased flow rate of hyperpolarized aqueous solution for dynamic nuclear polarization-enhanced magnetic resonance imaging achieved by an open Fabry–Pérot type microwave resonator
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Cited articles

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Bramham, J. E. and Golovanov, A. P.: Sample illumination device facilitates in situ light-coupled NMR spectroscopy without fibre optics, Communication Chemistry, 5, 90,, 2022. 
Short summary
Drug discovery requires the testing of a large number of samples to identify molecules with a potential therapeutic potential. The recent development of methods to perform such tests within seconds using sample illumination in a magnetic field could increase the throughput of such studies. We present a setup that integrates light into fully automated and commercially available instrumentation. This platform upgrade can increase the drug discovery throughput by a factor of 20 to 50-fold.