Articles | Volume 6, issue 1
Research article
22 Jan 2025
Research article |  | 22 Jan 2025

Electron-spin decoherence in trityl radicals in the absence and presence of microwave irradiation

Gunnar Jeschke, Nino Wili, Yufei Wu, Sergei Kuzin, Hugo Karas, Henrik Hintz, and Adelheid Godt

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Revised manuscript accepted for MR
Short summary

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Short summary
Electron spins sense their environment via magnetic interactions. An important contribution stems from nuclear spins in their vicinity. They cause loss of coherence and thus reduce resolution of spectra obtained by experiments on electron spins and the efficiency of transferring electron-spin magnetization to other nuclear spins. Here we study how protons in trityl radicals contribute to coherence loss. Such coherence loss is slower in the presence of a strong microwave field.