Articles | Volume 2, issue 2
Research article
10 Aug 2021
Research article |  | 10 Aug 2021

Virtual decoupling to break the simplification versus resolution trade-off in nuclear magnetic resonance of complex metabolic mixtures

Cyril Charlier, Neil Cox, Sophie Martine Prud'homme, Alain Geffard, Jean-Marc Nuzillard, Burkhard Luy, and Guy Lippens

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Preprint under review for MR
Short summary
SORDOR pulses: expansion of the Böhlen–Bodenhausen scheme for low-power broadband magnetic resonance
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Selective excitation enables encoding and measurement of multiple diffusion parameters in a single experiment
Neil MacKinnon, Mehrdad Alinaghian, Pedro Silva, Thomas Gloge, Burkhard Luy, Mazin Jouda, and Jan G. Korvink
Magn. Reson., 2, 835–842,,, 2021
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Multiple solvent signal presaturation and decoupling artifact removal in 13C{1H} nuclear magnetic resonance
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Field: Liquid-state NMR | Topic: Applications – small molecules
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Selective excitation enables encoding and measurement of multiple diffusion parameters in a single experiment
Neil MacKinnon, Mehrdad Alinaghian, Pedro Silva, Thomas Gloge, Burkhard Luy, Mazin Jouda, and Jan G. Korvink
Magn. Reson., 2, 835–842,,, 2021
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Cited articles

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Short summary
The HSQC experiment developed by Bodenhausen and Ruben is a cornerstone for modern NMR. When used in the field of metabolomics, the common practice of decoupling in the proton dimension limits the acquisition time and hence the resolution. Here, we present a virtual decoupling method to maintain both spectral simplicity and resolution, and demonstrate how it increases information content with the zebra mussel metabolome as an example.